Boys |
Bloodivine Seek and
° 23/06/2015
HD-C/ED-0/0/Ataxia clear
Many thanks for this gift to our
friends Teo and Oscar
Pictures |
Ch.Zico King of Ring's
HD-C/ED-0/Ataxia clear/DNA Luxemburg Youthchampion
German Youthchampion
Belgian Youthchampion
Luxemburg Champion
German Champion
Belgian Champion
Several CAC / CACIB / BOB
3th BOG
Pictures |
Ch.Atlas Teo King of Ring's |
King of Ring's |
of Flight Staff |
King of Ring's |
King of Ring's |
King of Ring's |
W.B.MF.Jamaica Magic Night |
Golden Rose King of Ring's |
King of Ring's |
of Flight Staff |
King of Ring's |
Anastasia Trace of Milwaukee |
King of Ring's |
Ch.Legend of The Star
Fineas Gold |
Ch.Casanova's Silent Rider Huancavilcas

HD-A/ED-0/Ataxia clearDNA
Montenegro Champion
Pictures |
Ch.Fraja EC Blue River's Aldo |
Ch.R-U Popeye |
Ch.Sindelar's Gentleman Jim |
R-U Marcelle Marceau |
Ch.Fraja EC Kat Can Do |
Ch.Benmar's Macho of Roadhouse |
Fraja EC Winner Take All |
Sindelar's Ritta of Casanova |
Sindelar's Touch O'Class Orion |
Ch.Tryarr Diamondback Redbolt |
Ch.Sindelar's Heide Ho |
Ch.Sindelar's R-U Deedee |
Ch.Sindelar's Gentleman Jim |
R-U Marcelle Marceau |
Daddy's Big Boys Iron Jim

HD-B1/Ataxia clear/DNA
Pictures |
Absolute's Sharp Dressed Man |
Ch Absolute Blue Sky of Gang Staff |
Ch GangStaff Big Tex |
Ch Benmars Clear Blue Sky |
Oakdale's Wildest Dreams |
ch Benmars Sharp Shooter |
Ch Benmar's oakdale evolution |
Toir Prestizh Mirey Maty |
Ch Royal court flying colours |
Ch Royal court winning colours |
Ch Fraja ne flirtation |
Ch Toir prestizh asia |
Ch Storytime's home alone |
Ch Toir's stiffany |
Retired |
Ch.Absolute's Texas Special Forces

Imp.USA/HD-C1/Ataxia clear/DNA
Pictures |
Ch Absolute Blue Sky of Gang Staff |
Ch GangStaff Big Tex |
Darsonvali olmar |
Mokka Validus |
Ch Benmars Clear Blue Sky |
Ch Benmars Sharp Shooter |
Ch Benmars Oakdale evolution |
Oakdale's Wildest Dreams |
Ch Benmars Sharp Shooter |
Ch Garrett's Al E Gator |
Ch benmars Hickory Knot |
Ch Benmar's oakdale evolution |
ManPaw's Mr ziggy Garret |
Ch Benmars Tooty Fruity Legend |
Absolute's Sharp Dressed Man

Imp.USA/HD-B1/Ataxia clear/DNA
Pictures |
Ch Absolute Blue Sky of Gang Staff |
Ch GangStaff Big Tex |
Darsonvali olmar |
Mokka Validus |
Ch Benmars Clear Blue Sky |
Ch Benmars Sharp Shooter |
Ch Benmars Oakdale evolution |
Oakdale's Wildest Dreams |
Ch Benmars Sharp Shooter |
Ch Garrett's Al E Gator |
Ch benmars Hickory Knot |
Ch Benmar's oakdale evolution |
ManPaw's Mr ziggy Garret |
Ch Benmars Tooty Fruity Legend |
Ch.Toir Prestizh White Gold

Pictures |
Ch franstal's tango elegant of cole
Ch Toir Prestizh Iveria |
Ch sindelar's shane |
ch sindelar's gentlemen jim |
ch sinderar's bearfoot countess |
Dorin elegant of cole |
Ch big bubbles bon jovi |
Ch ava elegant of cole |
Ch storytime's eye of the tiger |
Ch sindelar's johnny walker red |
storytimes beverly hillbilly |
Ch toir prestizh asia |
ch storytime's home alone |
Ch toir's tiffany |